With a little effort, you can create a shaping and toning routine that will have you feeling like a million bucks on the beach this summer. To get your body bikini ready, define your goals, create a plan, and stay motivated with these tips.

Start with goal setting

Defining your fitness and diet goals influences the type of program you adopt. Is weight loss your number one goal, or are you really focused on gaining muscle or toning up? If you want a constant goal reminder, buy the bikini you want to wear and keep it in your closet where you’ll see it every day.

Once you have your goal in mind, the next step is to document your “before” body by taking photos from the front and side. You may also want to take initial measurements of your upper arms, thighs, legs, and stomach. If you reach a point in your program where you are having trouble with motivation, looking back at this starting point will

remind you of how far you’ve come.

Add aerobic exercise

Committing to 30 minutes of cardio three to five times per week is vital to your bikini body plan. Walking, jogging, running, hiking, swimming, and biking all improve cardiovascular health and increase metabolism, so that your body burns more calories even after exercising. If you have trouble staying motivated, experiment to find a form of exercise you really enjoy. Or take a class and let others help motivate you.

Don’t forget toning and strengthening


Strength training and toning is an important part of getting your body bikini ready. Exercises like yoga and pilates offer overall body toning. They can help you improve posture and flexibility while keeping you lean. As an added bonus, they can also lower stress and help improve your mood.


To work on your arms, a series of 10 to 20 reps with hand weights will build muscle. Do 3 sets of repetitions, with a short rest between sets. If you can do more than 20 reps without feeling tired, increase the amount of weight you are lifting.

Push-ups also tone your arms. If you can’t do full push-ups, you’ll still benefit from modified push-ups with your knees on the ground.


The best exercise to tone your abs is to hold a plank position until your muscles tire. Keep holding the position as long as you have the strength to maintain good form. Hold your entire body straight and keep your hips from sagging.


Squats and lunges will help strengthen and tone your legs. You can add weight to lunges by holding dumbbells, or you can raise the intensity by jumping and switching legs in mid-air. High resistance settings on stationary bikes and elliptical machines will also tone your legs.


Doing hip raises is a great way to tone your bum. Lie on your back with your feet on the ground, knees up. Lift your hips up while tightly squeezing your hamstrings and glutes, then hold the position for a count of five, lower and repeat.

Kick backs are another effective exercise. Starting on your hands and knees, kick one leg behind you with your heel angled upward. Hold for 45 seconds and then switch legs.

Stay motivated

Documenting your progress will help you stay motivated. Try keeping a workout journal of the amount of weight you lift and the number of reps you do. When you have concrete proof that you are getting stronger and gaining endurance, you’ll want to keep going. Keeping a food diary serves a similar purpose. Studies have shown that people who track what they eat tend to be more successful at weight loss.

Exercising with friends, hiring a personal trainer, and joining a class are all ways to benefit from the encouragement of others. You might also want to find a weight loss buddy and track your progress together. The extra encouragement and friendly competition will help you stay motivated.

Author Bio
Tanner Basol is a motivator, doer and aspiring futurist revolutionising the health and fitness industry. He is the Founding Director of Activate Bootcamps which has the fastest growing reputation for creating rapid, lasting results. Activate Bootcamps employs advanced software to track progress and constant support from expert trainers to help clients achieve goals.